
05.08.2007, 23:40 |
Hi Japheth,
from http://www.geocities.com/dborca/djgpp/elf/djelf.html: "This is an experimental patch. It is designed to bring ELF as optional target (C/C++), without affecting COFF functionality (your DJGPP will still produce COFF by default)."
*ELF executables which run in True Flat mode
*compatible with Linux shared objects
*dynamically loadable libc.so, libm.so, libstdc++.so
*can still link against static libraries (libc.a, ...)
*requires no change to C/C++ code, only minor changes to Asm code
I also read about True Flat mode if reading about HX Extender. I don't know much about this topic...is this interesting for using DJGPP with HX?
Flo |

Usono, 06.08.2007, 19:32
@ flox
> from http://www.geocities.com/dborca/djgpp/elf/djelf.html:
> "This is an experimental patch. It is designed to bring ELF as optional
> target (C/C++), without affecting COFF functionality (your DJGPP will
> still produce COFF by default)."
> *ELF executables which run in True Flat mode
> *compatible with Linux shared objects
> *dynamically loadable libc.so, libm.so, libstdc++.so
> *can still link against static libraries (libc.a, ...)
> *requires no change to C/C++ code, only minor changes to Asm code
I heard about this a while back (even downloaded it, heh) but didn't try it (too lazy / preoccupied with other stuff).
If anyone here tries it and has any opinions on its use, post 'em here!!  --- Know your limits.h |

Germany (South), 06.08.2007, 07:39
@ flox
> I also read about True Flat mode if reading about HX Extender. I don't
> know much about this topic...is this interesting for using DJGPP with HX?
No, ELF is not supported (and not needed). --- MS-DOS forever! |