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17.08.2024, 09:51

FTE text editor? (Users)

Is there a definitive DOS version of FTE?

Someone on freedos-user was asking recently. I found a few copies in my local archives, and I did point them to rr's 2008 port hosted here on BTTR. I know I was also mentioning Japheth's LOADPEX DOS builds too, which also seem to work well.

Is there a specific known "latest greatest" or preferred version?



Germany (South),
17.08.2024, 15:29

@ Rugxulo

FTE text editor?

> I know I was also mentioning Japheth's LOADPEX DOS builds too, which also
> seem to work well.

I once recompiled FTE for HX, using VisualC++ 2003 Toolkit - with 2 or 3 bugs fixed ( one was a crash when one exits FTE while "horizontal split" is still active ). Regrettably the changes and the makefile I used are lost. The only thing that survived is a FTE binary in Win32 format ( dated 01/2009 ).

MS-DOS forever!



18.08.2024, 03:15

@ Japheth

FTE text editor?

> I once recompiled FTE for HX, using VisualC++ 2003 Toolkit - with 2 or 3
> bugs fixed ( one was a crash when one exits FTE while "horizontal split" is
> still active ). Regrettably the changes and the makefile I used are lost.
> The only thing that survived is a FTE binary in Win32 format ( dated
> 01/2009 ).

No, it's not lost, I had it on an old backup drive, check here:




Germany (South),
18.08.2024, 17:59

@ Rugxulo

FTE text editor?

> I had it on an old backup drive, check here:

Cool, thanks! - alas, it's the makefile only, no source.

Anyway, I could recompile the whole thing and create binaries for both DPMI and Win32.

Here's a (new) makefile for MSVC & HX. It has been modified a bit so the object modules and binaries are no longer written into the source directory:

A (minor) bug has been fixed: s_files.cpp did include "unistd.h" unconditionally, but MS VC++ doesn't know this include ( at least not the version that I used ).

MS-DOS forever!


20.08.2024, 13:48

@ Rugxulo

FTE text editor?

> Is there a definitive DOS version of FTE?
> Is there a specific known "latest greatest" or preferred version?

FWIW, I uploaded the CVS repo here. Other than for archival purposes, I don’t really care about this editor much.



Germany (South),
04.09.2024, 07:30
(edited by Japheth, 04.09.2024, 14:52)

@ Rugxulo

FTE text editor?

> Is there a specific known "latest greatest" or preferred version?

After a bug in HX's Win32 emulation code has been fixed (see here), I updated the FTE DOS binaries created with OW 2.0 and MSVC 7.1. The FTE Shell/Run commands should now work ok for MS-DOS versions < 7 ( I haven't tested FreeDOS yet ).

P.S.: Also tried other OW 2.0 DOS32 variants of FTE:

- DOS4G/W: unstable
- PModeW: unstable
- CauseWay: stable

P.P.S.: And finally tried the DJGPP makefile supplied with FTE: got a few warnings and the result is unstable if the program runs as VCPI client and CWSDPMI is used as DPMI host (the default).

The test was
a) to load a 108 MB text file with 1.5 mio lines
b) run FTE's Shell/Run cmds

MS-DOS forever!


04.09.2024, 09:33

@ Japheth

FTE text editor?

> The test was
> a) to load a 108 MB text file with 1.5 mio lines

How much time it during? (approximately)

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!



Germany (South),
04.09.2024, 14:55

@ DosWorld

FTE text editor?

> How much time it during? (approximately)

OW's DOS32P branch ( DOS4/GW and compatibles ): 90 sec
OW's Win32 branch or DJGPP: 2-3 sec

MS-DOS forever!

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