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USB support under DOS on intel 6-series chipstet? (Users)

posted by Rugxulo Homepage, Usono, 23.11.2015, 00:25

> > > I have currently i7 2600K that arrived from ebay/Germany yesterday.
> >
> > Skylake?? What are the family/model/stepping?
> (i7 2600k is the topmodel of consumer Sandy Bridge)

(half-joking) Marco, why didn't you warn him that he was buying obsolete tech? It's from 2011! 32nm is bloated! Sure, it's probably cheaper, but you're paying for it in the long run. It doesn't even fully support AVX-512!

Anyways, don't blame me for not memorizing all the model numbers. Wikipedia does say "i7 6700k" is Skylake (Turbo Boost-able from 4.0 Ghz to 4.2, single core, while his ancient Sandy Bridge only goes from 3.4 to 3.8).


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