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ClipDRV and LBForth (Announce)

posted by DosWorld, 15.11.2024, 23:27
(edited by DosWorld on 18.11.2024, 09:42)

Clipboard driver and command-line tool.

1. Driver for clean DOS (and DosBox). Provide win-clipboard API (INT 2Fh, AX=1700h...170Ah) and allow copy to clipboard a text-mode screen with <PrintScreen> key. In graph mode - pass call to prev INT 5 handler. From now, no more reasons to skip support clipboard in new software.:-D

2. Command-line tool allow do copy/paste between clipboard and stdin/stdout. Handle direct input and redirection. For direct input support ^Z or ^D as EOF marker.

Clipboard size is 64k-limited (placed into XMS).

MIT License

Public-domain forth in C by Leif Bruder, ~1k loc (easy reading, imho). I am does not see this forth in other places, imho, need pay attention.

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