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ClipDRV and LBForth (Announce)

posted by Japheth Homepage, Germany (South), 19.11.2024, 15:52

> > if I try to launch C--.exe, the machine just reboots
> c-- can goes mad if some startup files is missed. i am check it (remove c--
> from path and C-- env var), files is enough. :(
> I have no other ideas. May be problem into zrdx? (extender used in c--)

In DosEmu2 C--.exe did run fine. That made me try:

C:\>hdpmi32 -r -x
C:\>jemmex novcpi

and the compiler runs without rebooting under MS-DOS 7.1.

So the problem is: the DOS extender used in C--.exe is 1) unstable and 2) doesn't use an external DPMI host if VCPI is available.

MS-DOS forever!


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