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(workaround) HDPMI32 on DR-DOS with XMS only (DOSX)

posted by Rugxulo Homepage, Usono, 27.03.2009, 17:11

I've briefly mentioned this before but didn't quite understand it. Anyways, loading HDPMI32 with only XMS (no EMS) says, "Insufficient memory" for me, but only on DR-DOS! (I just tested by 486 to be sure, and it works fine with stock MS-DOS 6.22 HIMEM.SYS XMS v3 even with only 8 MB RAM total.) Previously I just did "if exist EMMXXXX0 lh hxldr32" to avoid the issue since it didn't work, but now I know how to make it work, apparently (set HDPMI=64 to avoid XMS v3).

This is what happens on my P166 (most likely because both HIMEM.SYS and EMM386.EXE from DR-DOS 7.03 lie about supporting XMS v3):

[ DR-DOS ] Fri  3-27-2009>set HDPMI=

[ DR-DOS ] Fri  3-27-2009>hdpmi32
HDPMI32: insufficient memory

[ DR-DOS ] Fri  3-27-2009>memid
XMS 3.0

[ DR-DOS ] Fri  3-27-2009>set HDPMI=64

[ DR-DOS ] Fri  3-27-2009>hdpmi32

[ DR-DOS ] Fri  3-27-2009>memid
DPMI 0.9 XMS 3.0

[ DR-DOS ] Fri  3-27-2009>v /v \drdos\himem.sys

himem    sys       14,766             Jan,07,1999   07:03:00am   A...

[ DR-DOS ] Fri  3-27-2009>scrndump xms3_hx.txt

Slightly silly that MS-DOS 6.22 (1993-4) is better than DR-DOS 7.03 (1998-9) in this regard. And for the record, I usually use JEMMEX, but when I (rarely) boot to XMS only via CONFIG.SYS option, I typically just use the stock one instead of HIMEMX, for whatever reason. Oh well, just felt like mentioning this since it always bugged me.


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