2009-05-02 news: UI21DEB reloaded, BUGZILLA created (Announce)
Download now : UI21DEB.ZIP (87'088 Bytes)
Bugzilla : (76 bugs total, 5 bugs open)
Old thread : msg=6015
What's new:
- Fixed 99.99999% of reported BUG's
- Doubled bloat of UI21DEB.ASM from 58'913 to 136'526 Bytes
- Doubled bloat of UI21DEB.COM from 3'236 to 6'644 Bytes
- Increased bloat of UI21DEB.DAT from $E050 = #57'424 to
$E080 = #57'472 Bytes
- Doubled bloat of UI21DEB.TXT from 12'450 to 21'555 Bytes
- Doubled bloat of UI21DEB.ZIP from 47'231 to 87'088 Bytes
- Increased low memory hogginess from 60 to 63.75 KiB
- Increased amount of screenshots from 4 to 5
- Reduced reentrancy depth limit from 255 to 8
- Started using virtual
- Started using macro's
- Fixed RENAME calls, OPTIPNG and 7-ZIP work now fully
- Much more info about calls provided
- Added an SS-trap that securely hangs JDEBUG when attempting to
single-step into UI21DEB
- TSR now can fully disable and uninstall
- TSR now finds itself also if some other TSR messes with INT $21 after
- Added selective debugging specific to application name
- Added "A" hack disabling both "AbortRetryFail" and "Remove diskette
from A: insert diskette into B:"
- Added "I" switch
- Rewritten reentrancy code, counter kept
- Improved documentation, mentioned XRAY and SS-issue,
"both" -> "all 3" buffers
- Added EDR-DOS, OPTIPNG, DOSSOUND and 7-ZIP examples
This is a LOGITECH mouse driver, but some software expect here
the following string:*** This is Copyright 1983 Microsoft ***
Complete thread:
- 2009-05-02 news: UI21DEB reloaded, BUGZILLA created - DOS386, 06.05.2009, 05:24 (Announce)
- 2009-05-02 news: UI21DEB reloaded, BUGZILLA created - DOS386, 06.05.2009, 05:47